Sunday, April 27, 2008

Daddy tattoo finally!

Well ladies and gentlemen, I finally got my daddy tattoo. Thanks to all of you that helped with your opinion.....DAD won. :) So, I now have an Iron Butterfly, Butterfly on my body. Who would've ever thunk? haha. I made the artist, Chris, promise not to laugh when I showed him what I wanted. It was a 2 hour job, my longest yet, and well worth it. Just LOOK at that color! He did a magnificent job and even enjoyed the story behind the Iron Butterfly concept AND the "Please take my hand" (which if anyone remembers seemed to be Dad's favorite part to sing it loud and proud). Amy joined me and we certainly had a great afternoon of bonding over ink. However, I do NOT have a picture of hers as it was put in a little risque area that only Gordon may enjoy. haha! Ok, then, I'm out for now. I will see you on the flip!

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Some Birthday Pics as Promised!

Look at my crazy girls!

Pat and Leslie. No, they haven't killed each other yet AND Pat kept his clothes on this time! WOO HOO!

Me and My Tina. MUG!!!!!

Leslie and Nereida

Me and Maryanne. She had to tolerate it. I was the birthday diva!

Welcome to our blog - April 22, 2008

Since the success of Kelly's blog to keep us in touch with her and the family's adventures, I thought it might be nice to start one for me, Andy and Mason since we are the few remaining in South Florida. So, here we are. STILL here let me add. Weeding through the horrendous traffic and watching more of our beautiful Florida go to the pot. Some of the building has finally stopped as the cost of living rose so high that a lot of the planned developments were going under. Now we are left with many empty lots (since they already tore the trees out). I still await our move to North Carolina. Hopefully, that day will come before I climb the high tower with an automatic weapon. haha.

Yesterday was my 34th birthday and while speaking with Tom on the phone, I realized that I have kept our ages all a few years younger. haha. I cannot believe how quickly time is passing. I had a birthday party on Saturday. A few of my nearest and dearest. Pat, Leslie, Nereida, Tina, Tommy, Sean, Eric, Maryanne and Billy and a bunch of chitlins running around. It was nice. Small but lots of fun, which is how I wanted it. Yesterday I went to Uncle Al's and had some wings and beer with Mel and Dave and the boys. It was a good. Since my mother is not here to make me my annual chicken and dumplings, I had to go with chicken wings. haha.

Ok, I will be off for now. I have to figure out pics and such on this thing later at home. Yes, yes, I'm being a bad girl and writing this up at work right now. I needed to take a break. Ok, love to all and hopefully I can keep this up as well as Kelly does. Although she has the coolest posts being that she is touring Europe while over there. :)

Later Gators!